Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy Tuesday!

In case we didn't mention it before, we plan on Tuesdays being our usual posting day. We may post more frequently so be sure to "subscribe to our awesome blog" on this Main Page so you you don't miss anything!

Like we said before, one of our 2013 goals is to get Crafty. Re-learning to sew was high on that list. Something that helps achieve that goal is to have sewing machines. Crazy right?  Kate was fortunate to have Monday afternoon off from work, so off we went to Quilter's Corner, a Brother retailer.  We decided on going to a dealer rather than a big box place for a few reasons. One, the staff will know what machine will best meet our needs. Two, the warranty is typically better. Three, we could play on the machines before purchasing. And the best of all, they offer a free class to help us learn how the machine works! The salesperson we were lucky to have assist us was great. He answered all our questions, didn't try to up sale us to the fancy-pants embroidery machines that cost half of what I payed for my first new car, and he laughed at our lame jokes.  He's even teaching the "how to use your new machine" class next week!  Tune in next week for details on that fun!

Once the machines were purchased and loaded in our cars, it was time for our other goal of the day- Go see Les Misérables! Off we went to CineBistro for the movie, a late lunch of a healthy salad, and well, some wine!  The wine wasn't French, but we pretended. The movie was beyond awesome! The acting, singing, scenery, costumes, well everything aside from Russell Crowe, was AWESOME! Fortunately, his first solo provided a much needed pee break. As expected, all of the other solos and ensemble songs were amazing. From start to finish we could not keep the tears from flowing! We didn't get it together until the credits had started rolling. Fortunately the theater was  dark and not crowded, as we are NOT pretty criers!  If you cannot see this production live on stage GO see this movie, it will change your life.  That last part isn’t true but the part about the movie being awesome is true.

One big box of tissues later, it was time for a quick Happy Hour at Brio Tuscan Grill to compose our sniffling selves and talk about the movie.  Usually our watering holes are local spots in town, since we have so many to choose from. However, for a chain restaurant at a higher end mall, the HH specials were pretty good. Drink specials included $5 selection of sangria, martinis, and mojitos. The wine was $6.75 a glass- not the greatest deal, but at least it was a healthy pour. Brio also offered $3.95 "tastes", which were smaller versions of appetizers. We passed on these, being so full of salad (okay, and the popcorn), but Heather has had them in the past and said they were decent portions.  These specials are offered Monday-Friday, 3-7pm & 9-close.

Happy Hour also gave us a moment to come up with a few goals to accomplish by next Tuesday:
*Play with the sewing machines
*Have a birthday (Kate)
*Enjoy the nice weather we're supposed to have this week
*Finish our book for bookclub
*Continue the Awesomeness!


K& H

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