Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Give the groundhog a break!

Okay everyone, it is time to leave the poor groundhog alone!  Yes, the calendar says it's spring (as dictated by the sun and the tilt of the earth). Yes, there's snow on the ground. But honestly, does anyone really believe a rodent who, according to legend, is a lush? Knowing that little tidbit actually makes him more likeable in our book, but also less creditable. Fun fact: During Prohibition Phil threatened to impose 60 weeks of winter on the community if he wasn't allowed a drink. During our groundhog research, we also learned that Punxsutawney Phil gets his longevity from drinking "groundhog punch" (a secret recipe). One sip, which is administered every summer at the Groundhog Picnic, gives him seven more years of life. (How much for that recipe!?!?). And lastly, according to StormFax Weather Almanac, which has been keeping records since 1887, Punxsutawney Phil's predictions are correct only 39% of the time. We don't know about you, but it sounds like Phil's a better Happy Hour buddy than weather/season forecaster!

As we mentioned last post, this past weekend was the Irish Festival! It's a great kick off to the warm weather festival season. Saturday brought warm, sunny weather, which in turn brought the public out! We stayed in one spot the entire time, which was just outside of the packed crowd. Kate was happy to get one of her favorite festival foods- the Irish Surprise, made by the ladies of St. Patrick's Church. A warm bowl of potatoes, cabbage and corned beef. Although we didn't have a chance to visit the vendors or watch the bands, we had nice time catching up with friends. And really, that's what a festival is all about! Well, that and Kettle Korn.

Richmond was sad, but proud of VCU this weekend. They played hard, but couldn't quite make it to the top of the tournament. Great job Rams!

A few weeks ago, we told you about a wine tasting we hosted with a few of our friends.This was something we had been wanting to do for weeks, and were totally bummed with the results in the wine. For the last few weeks, we've been trying to come up with a way to give an honest review without being ugly. We have decided to come clean and be as honest as possible:

The wine we were tasting was the Skinny Girl brand- we tried the white, blush and red. Now, the 5 of us are not wine snobs. I mean, we're all in our 30s, have had our share of wine, and know what's decent and what's not. But we're not above having a glass of Three Buck Chuck every now and then. It's pretty safe to say that 50% of the wine we typically drink is around $10 a bottle or less. So with the Skinny Girl wines retailing for $20 a bottle, we had some high expectations. We started taking notes when we began sampling the white. Then realized we all had the same thing to say: little flavor, boring, blah, won't pair with anything, not a sipping wine, not a wine for drinking, yuck. Same for the blush, and even worse reviews for the red! Before the tasting we were joking about having a dump bucket as they have at a proper wine tasting, and decided that we'd likely be drinking it anyway! WRONG! We ended up dumping most of the wine down the drain. Using it for cooking or sangria was discussed, but ultimately, it was just that bad. Fortunately Kate had back up wine, so all was not lost! Aside from the bad taste in our mouth, we were really just disappointed. We knew there would be some hype because of the brand, but it just seems wrong to charge that much for "diet wine" that tastes so bad. It was unanimous that we'd rather drink 120-135 calories of good wine than 100 calories of bad. Thanks to Ashley, Kri and Mary for helping us out!

On a happier note- the weekends in Richmond are about to get really busy! The Easter holiday brings out the fun family festivities! Here are the highlights we hope to hit this week:
Last week we asked for Roller Derby names, and got a HUGE response. By huge we mean zero. So here are a few we came up with, using our former fake bar names:
Sockem’ Susie:“Don’t cry- it will only hurt until I sock ya again”
Susie Sunshine :“She’ll socket to ya”
Hellacious Heidi: “Hell on wheels, the fire is coming for ya”
Heidi “the hurricane” Duvet: “She's got her 'eye' on you!"
Cyclone Susie and Hurricane Heidi: "Catastrophe is a comin’ so you best be a runnin’"

What do y'all think? Have any favorites? And more suggestions?

We hope you and your loved ones have a great Easter weekend!



Funny Confession Ecard: you know your wine sucks when you have to chase it with soda.


  1. Was the wine worse than the one that paired with hot dogs?

    1. It's on par with the hot dog wine from Maryland. And the chili dog wine from Peaks of Otter where they insist that a cheese in a can chaser is the perfect pairing. These are the things I think of when I need to curb my appetite!
